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Business presence in the 21st century

Muskan Manandhar
Muskan Manandhar 5 YEARS AGO 2507 views
Technology Muskan Manandhar

Do you own a small business? Let’s say a small flower shop or probably a boutique? If yes, then some of you might feel like internet marketing is not for you, or that you cannot gain much from the web. But, that’s not the case, no matter what type of business you run or what size of business you run, having a digital presence is always a good idea.

In a market where over 80% of people rely on the web to search for product information, having a digital presence helps to reach a large number of audience. There are definitely some people who prefer to shop in person, but majority of today’s consumers find it more convenient to search for products/services online, visit a few websites to learn about the products and make an informed decision.

Technology has taken the way a consumer shops to a different level. Today, if a potential customer contacts you through your website, chances are they have already decided to purchase the product/service from you. What does this mean for you then? Well, seeing that the most difficult part of any business is convincing the customers to buy your products, if your customers contact you themselves, half your job is already done by having a digital presence isn’t it?

Still not convinced about the power of web? Read along to find out few of the reasons how building a digital presence helps your business:

Firstly, having a digital presence makes your business visible to the whole world. As a small business, it might seem very difficult to gain customers apart from the few meters radius surrounding your physical shop. But, with websites, and social media accounts, you have the power to attract customers from a broader market.

Secondly, internet has evened out the playing field for businesses in terms of marketing. You may not be able to afford huge hoarding boards, television ad display or even a radio jingle, but with the right SEO tools and digital marketing techniques, you can reach maximum number of potential customers at a minimum expense.

Next reason of our list is very interesting. Let’s say you open your store from 6 in the morning to 8 in the evening. That leaves you with about 10 hours time where you could still be providing information to your clients about your products. With a digital presence, your products/services will be present to potential customers 24 hours a day, 7 days a week and 365 days per year. That’s right; you can serve your customers throughout the year. That’s basically saying you have the potential to grow your business vastly and double up your profits.

So, are you ready to enter your business to the world of web and enjoy its benefits? If yes, then come and contact us. We at Rewa Soft are dedicated to help businesses better their online presence by developing websites and providing digital marketing services to our clients.

Source: https://www.rewasoft.com.np/blog/business-presence-in-the-21st-century