Tuesday October 22, 2024
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Young World

Doctors and Corona: A Poem

Aanchal Shrestha
Aanchal Shrestha 4 YEARS AGO 1914 views
Young World Source Hindustan Times

Dear Doctor, We know that

You will beat covid-19 with your super bat.

And make it thin thin mat

We also know that

One day covid-19 will leave this earth

In which we all have taken birth

Doctors don’t be sad for you couldn’t save their life

Your commitment will give the world new drive

So, don’t be sad and You Yourself don’t  blame.

Doctors are giving their best to save us from covid-19

So co-operate the doctors and don’t be mean.

If You don’t cooperate again covid-19 will be seen

We all should thank doctors.

Doctors are giving their life for us

They are not telling day and night and working for others



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This beautiful poem was by
Aanchal Shrestha
Nepal Central High School
Kathmandu, Nepal